Offshore Wind 2.0


We are the only comprehensive team of experts in Poland specialising in insurance dedicated to the renewable energy sector.


Team strength

We combine our experience in insurance risk analysis and management, reinsurance and claims settlement to provide support for the investments and operations of each company in the renewable energy supply chains in a way that is complementary and unique to the Polish market.

We have combined the strengths and assets of our MJM HOLDINGS Group companies

We are the market leader in marine insurance and shipbuilding risks. Clients include the vast majority of shipyards and ports in Poland and many companies supporting the offshore industry throughout the supply chain. We also specialise in building insurance solutions for other areas of renewable energy (geothermal, biogas plants, onshore, energy storage, photovoltaics).

We are the largest reinsurance broker in Poland, supporting insurance companies in finding insurance coverage for the largest and most difficult projects in strategic sectors of the economy. We have the ability to implement the world's best solutions in insuring the RES industry into the Polish market.

We are one of the leading Polish brokers specialising in insurance for fleets and the transport industry. We can provide customised solutions for fleets of vehicles and machinery using, among other things, green hydrogen, such as from offshore wind farms.


We have the expertise to support the energy transition, including in areas where the Polish insurance market has not yet had the chance to develop (e.g. offshore, sequestration, green hydrogen, nuclear).


Experience in numbers

  • 20-strong team specialising in RES
  • Over 20 years of experience in building insurance cover for the safety and growth of companies in strategic sectors of the economy
  • More than PLN 1.1 billion of placed insurance premiums from the energy, maritime and transport sectors in the last 5 years
  • Nearly PLN 1 billion of sums insured under guarantees issued on behalf of clients from the shipbuilding and maritime sectors in the last 5 years
  • More than PLN 106 billion of insured assets in the energy, marine and transport sectors in 2022 alone


We are active

  • Signatory to the Sectoral Agreement on the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in Poland
  • Signatory to the Sectoral Agreement on the Development of the Hydrogen Sector in Poland
  • Signatory to the sectoral agreement for the development of the photovoltaic sector in Poland
  • Signatory of the sectoral agreement for the development of biogas and biomethane sector in Poland
  • Member of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Association (PTMEW)
  • Member of the Polish Marine Technology Forum (PFTM)
  • Organiser of the first conference in Poland on the financial security of offshore wind energy investments (Offshore Wind - Risk Safety, Financing)
  • Participation in industry conferences
  • Participation in postgraduate study programmes on OWE, RES, power engineering



Meet our team

Joanna Koselska

Member of the Management Board of Attis Broker

Leads the RES industry insurance project at MJM Holdings Group. For more than 20 years, she has specialised in the insurance of the energy, drilling and heavy industry sectors. At Attis Broker she is responsible for the content area and specialty strategy. She completed postgraduate studies in Risk Diagnostics and Loss Adjustment as well as postgraduate studies in Offshore Wind Energy - Management and Investment Preparation and Implementation. 

Marian Podjacki

Member of the Management Board of Attis Broker

He has been building experience in the insurance industry since 2005. He participates in the development of the company's strategy and implementation of its growth, and is also responsible for negotiations with insurance companies, supervision of the work of the branches and the management of selected projects, especially in the marine industry. 

Tomasz Libront

President of Smartt Re

Since 1993, he has been involved in arranging reinsurance cover for liability and property insurance for the largest Polish companies in the energy, financial, fuel, railway and chemical sectors. Supports the Polish insurance market in the reinsurance of large and unusual risks, in particular for entities in the energy sector. It cooperates with leading brokers and reinsurers worldwide. 

Monika Arasimowicz

Insurance broker at Attis Broker

She has been working in the insurance industry since 2012. She specialises in property, liability and aviation insurance. She has practical experience in dealing with corporate clients, particularly in the arms and manufacturing industries. She develops audits, prepares insurance programmes and deals with their implementation. 

Piotr Ceranowicz

Member of the Management Board of Smartt Re, Head of the Aviation and Marine Insurance Bureau

Arranges and implements reinsurance programmes for key and strategic Polish Treasury entities in the aviation, marine and chemical industries. He created insurance protection programmes for the Polish luxury yacht industry. He has been with Smartt Re since the company's inception in September 2007 and has been on the Board since 2018.

Marta Czech

Insurance broker Attis Broker

She has been involved in the insurance industry since 2000. She specialises in marine and offshore insurance issues, property insurance, liability insurance and D&O insurance. She serves corporate clients, including those in the shipbuilding industry, builds insurance protection programmes and performs contract audits.

Marta Forreiter-Weiner

Marketing and PR Director

Involved in the maritime industry for more than 10 years. She has been with MJM Holdings Group since August 2023 in the role of Marketing & PR Director. Her previous experience has been in companies related to the offshore industry, where she held the positions of Director of Vessel & Crew Department and CMO being responsible for units and human resources in offshore environmental research projects as well as full corporate and marketing communications.

Marta Górecka

Managing Director of Attis Broker Branch Network

Associated with the insurance industry since 2008. She specialises in marine and offshore, construction and heavy industry insurance issues. Builds large insurance programmes and insurance strategies for key clients, deals with them and manages relationships. Conducts audits of insurance contracts. She is responsible for the implementation of procedures and substantive supervision of individual product lines.

Anna Gringmann

Director of Gdańsk Branch

Has 25 years of experience in the area of property insurance for corporate clients. Experience gained in cooperation with corporate clients in leading insurance companies (PZU, Allianz) and brokerage firms. She prepared offers and took an active part in negotiating insurance programmes for the largest clients in the northern region of the country, operating in various industries, including construction, energy and shipbuilding. She specialises in property and liability insurance.

Alfred Korycki

Head of Loss Adjustment Department/Advisor to the Board of Directors on Liability Insurance

He has been involved in the insurance market since 2010. He has many years of experience in servicing the marine and offshore industry. He manages and exercises substantive supervision over loss adjustment. He is also responsible for the development of the liability and D&O insurance lines.

Tomasz Kufliński

Director of Poznań Branch

In the Attis Broker Company since December 2013. Director of the Poznań branch since February 2022. Specialises in guarantees and insurance of trade receivables. Experienced in obtaining guarantees for contracts executed by companies in the shipbuilding and offshore sector, including for foreign customers. Graduate of the Faculty of Finance and Banking at the Poznań University of Economics with a specialisation in business insurance.

Magdalena Machłajewska

Senior insurance broker Attis Broker

Associated with the insurance industry since 2009. Initially as an employee of insurance companies and since 2011 as an insurance broker. At Attis Broker, she is responsible for working with clients, developing and implementing insurance programmes for property, liability and construction risks for large business entities in the public sector, property development and construction industry.

Justyna Marchwicka

Insurance broker Attis Broker

In the insurance industry since 2009,. Since 2012, she has been working for Attis Broker. Her professional experience so far has been gained mainly in providing services to companies from the construction industry and maritime sector, i.e. the largest Polish shipbuilding, offshore, port companies. She specialises in property and loss of profit insurance, machinery insurance, various types of liability insurance, shipbuilding insurance, vessel insurance and insurance guarantees. 

Milena Miłek

Deputy Director of Attis Broker branch in Warsaw

Associated with the insurance market for over 20 years. Since 2009, she has been working as an insurance broker specialising in the creation, implementation and servicing of insurance programmes for large companies, including in particular construction and civil liability risks. She joined Attis Broker in December 2013.

Marcin Musiolik

Attis Insurance Broker

In the Group since 2005. He has worked at Attis Broker since 2013. Specialises in contractual guarantees. A graduate of the Cracow University of Economics (Bachelor's degree in Finance and Banking and Master's degree in Company Management) and postgraduate studies in Financial Analysis (WSZiP in Warsaw), Real Estate Valuation (Gdansk University of Technology), Psychology of Social Behaviour (University of Silesia) and Capital Company Valuation Methods (SGH in Warsaw).

Beata Obiegła

Head of Aviation Insurance Reinsurance, Smartt Re

Specialises in insurance and reinsurance issues relating to aviation risks. She gained her experience of more than 10 years at insurance companies such as AIG and Ergo Hestia, being responsible for the development of aviation insurance and risk assessment in aviation insurance. She joined Smartt Re in December 2022.

Mariola Radłowska

Head of Key Account Department

He has been gaining professional experience since 2008 in reputable brokerage firms, mainly in the areas of service and key client acquisition. Participates in building the insurance strategy of many groups of capital companies, including international programmes. Specialisation in insurance of companies from the automotive, TSL, railway, FMCG or armaments sectors. 

Emilia Świecka-Łukasiak

Senior insurance broker at Attis Broker

He has gained experience in the insurance industry since 2012, serving corporate clients and international insurance programmes. He specialises in property insurance risks and construction and assembly risks, among others for the drilling and energy industries. 

Łukasz Zając

Director of Attis Broker Branch in Wrocław

Insurance broker with 17 years of experience in the insurance and legal industry. At Attis Broker since September 2018. Works with clients in the southern region to build insurance programmes for property, liability or business interruption risks. Responsible for leading projects for industries with a high risk profile, including waste, furniture and housing, as well as negotiating with insurance companies and developing sales. 

Dominik Żochowski

Manager Maritime Insurance

Since 2002, he has been involved in the corporate insurance market, including marine and shipyard insurance. He has gained experience both on the brokerage side and on the side of insurance companies, mainly as an uderwriter in the area of marine insurance, third party liability, property insurance (including technical risks) and also as a senior expert in the area of marine loss adjustment). Responsible for cooperation with Key Accounts and leading selected projects. Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Maritime Academy in Gdynia.

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