Offshore Wind 2.0

Previous edition 2023


Offshore Wind Conference - Risk, Safety and Financing

6-7 March 2023 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Sopot, Poland


Both prospects and risks are inherent in the dynamic development of the wind energy sector in the Baltic Sea. The conference in Sopot will focus for the first time on the challenges of financing and securing offshore wind energy investments and the proper allocation and hedging of all contractual risks. This is an important and necessary initiative. Guests at the rank of board members and directors responsible for building the Polish offshore wind market were invited to participate in panels. There were developers, banks (BGK, Pekao and PKO BP), shipyards, risk management experts and insurers. None of the important players in the industry were absent. All the most relevant voices resounded. The discussion was thus comprehensive, substantive and forward-looking.


Prelegenci zwracali szczególną uwagę na to, jak istotne jest porozumienie i stworzenie platformy wymiany myśli, poglądów i informacji o aktualnych trendach w przemyśle dla wszystkich stron biorących udział w tym jakże złożonym procesie.


The speakers paid particular attention to the importance of understanding and creating a platform for the exchange of ideas, views and information on current industry trends for all parties involved in this very complex process.


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